
Tuesday 10 December 2019

Spiritual Places

I did this blog post on Sedona Arizona as part of our Term 4 spiritual Inquiry into what makes us spiritually healthy. Leave me a comment and tell me what you think.

Friday 25 October 2019

Silver Ferns
On the 13th of October my mum and I went to go watch the Silver Ferns play
against the Australian Diamonds in the first Constellation Cup match.

My mum and I arrived at Horncastle Arena around 3:15pm to get seated and ready

for the match because the game started at 4:00pm. 

When both teams stepped out onto the court it was like there was a whole new

energy in the arena everyone was cheering and dancing it was amazing.

While both teams were warming up there were people who were giving out spot

prizes for the best dancing and I won, The prize chocolate and lucky enough it

was one of my favourites black forest. Finally the game started but they were

running a bit late so the game started around 4:15, 

The 1st quarter was amazing there were so many great plays by each of the teams

and gladly the Silver ferns were winning!,

The 2nd quarter was even better Silver Ferns were still winning and there were

just some outstanding plays.

At the end of the 3rd quarter sadly the Silver Ferns were losing, but it was ok

because there still I more quarter. It was finally 50 seconds until the game was

finished and the Silver Ferns were winning everyone was cheering on both teams!!.

Everyone was counting down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and the Silver Ferns won the first

2019 Constellation Cup match , Everyone was cheering with joy and dancing!!!.

 After the game the Silver Fern and the Australian Diamonds were doing autographs

there was a massive crowd waiting to get autographs but some how I manged to get

in the front row while autographs were going I got to meet some of favourite netball

players, it was amazing after all of the autographs I went home and bragged about

my time at the game to my family. Overall it was an amazing experience and I

hope to enjoy it again one day.

By Kata.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

                                                        Thank you for watching:))))))

Tuesday 15 October 2019

In class we have been learning the Hail Mary, I hope you enjoy my post and make 
sure to leave a comment to help improve my work:)))

Friday 27 September 2019

Amazing Game

WALT: Write in paragraphs

All About Netball

In netball there are 7 different positions: you can play 7 a-side, 6-side and sometimes 5 a-side. In 5 a-side there are the following positions: A’s (Attacks/Shooters), D’s (Defence) and C’s (Centers). In 6 a-side it’s basically the same as 5 a-side except you just add in one more center. In 7 a-side the positions are: A’s (Attacks/Shooters), D’s (Defence), C’s (Center) and W’s (Wing Attack/Wing Defence).

The rules in netball are quite simple. All players play on a netball court which is divided into thirds. In the two end thirds there are semi-circles where the GS and GA are allowed to shoot from. Whatever way your team is shooting that is your goal third, The GA is a bit different because they can go into their goal third and the center third while the GS stays in the goal third. The WA is the exact same as the GA except they just CAN’T go into the semi-circle, C’s can go everywhere except for the semi-circles. For the defenders GK’s can only go in their oppositions goal third and the semi-circle and for the GD’s they can go into their oppositions goal third, the semi-circle and the center third. And lastly WD’s, WD’s can go into the center third and their oppositions goal third but NOT the semi-circle.

So for the rules I’ll just tell you the basic rules.
No stepping if you have the netball.
You can’t hold the ball for any longer then 3 seconds.
You can’t stand closer than 3 feet otherwise it’s obstruction.
You can’t make contact with your opponents otherwise that would be contact.
If you go where you are not allowed that is offside.
You can’t bounce the ball otherwise that’s replay.
If the ball if thrown out of court if it automatic hand over.

The New Zealand netball team is called the “Silver Ferns”. The Silver Ferns recently won the 2019 Netball World Cup. They had a tough win against England in the semi-finals, the score was 45-47. You can tell by this score it was a very tough and close game. Then they had a very successful and tough win against the Australian Diamonds in the finals, it was a close, intense game, the score was 51-52. The Silver Ferns were thrilled and proud of their win by adding to their other wins in the past. The Silver Ferns have won 4 other world cups in 1967, 1979, 1987 and 2003.

*Thank you for reading my blog post, I hope you enjoyed it. Please leave a comment.

Friday 20 September 2019

The diamond ring...

                      The diamond ring...

It was a fine day in LA, You know just people swimming, Posting pictures of themselves hashtag dream life. Then it turned into a horrible day for Kim K so she was swiping through instagram and she saw that Beyonce had a (BIGGER better) diamond ring than she did, And she did not like that. So she called Kanye and was like yooooo you need to buy me a BIGGER better diamond ring than Beyonce with her 500 carrot ring be like mmmmmmm im better than all of yall and Kanye be like ohh no no no no. She better watch out I am gonna by my wifey a 501 carrot ring and Kim was like mmmmm that’s what im talking about baby...

In Room 1 we were looking at punctuation and we
had to do a story with some punctuation in it
here's mine make sure to leave a comment to
help me improve my work:))))

The traditional Māori colours with meanings.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Field Trip :))))))

Last week on Monday my class went to the CCC offices and then to the 
Rutherford's den. Here's all about our trip:))))

Tuesday 3 September 2019


In inquiry Room one have been focusing on mental health we first started on
sleep and I made a slideshow on it hope you enjoy make sure to remember to leave 
a comment to improve my work:))))

Monday 2 September 2019


This week NBC have the virtue of Just/Tika and I made this slide about it 
hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to improve my work:)))))

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Bishop Joseph Grimes

        Bishop Joseph Grimes
        Bishop of Christchurch May 1887 - March 1915

John Joseph Grimes was the first Roman Catholic Bishop of Christchurch, New Zealand. He was born in London, United Kingdom on the 11th of  February 1842 and was ordained as a priest on 22 August 1869 (aged 27). He was appointed on 13 May 1887 (aged 45).  On 26 July 1887, He was Ordained as Bishop Joseph Grimes. His successor was Matthew Brodie. He was stricken down with yellow fever, from which he marvellously recovered. After that he was called by his superiors to take charge of the newly formed mission of Paignton, South Devon, England, where he endeared himself to all. He died in Christchurch on 15 March 1915 (aged 73). He was buried under the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament.

By Rosie and Kata


Friday 2 August 2019

Introducing my self in Te Reo Maori

in room 1 we have been learning Te reo and i made this video introducing myself in Maori remember                                                         to leave a comment and enjoy :)

Seoul Tower

This is my blog post about the Seoul Tower i did this because rooms 1´s Korean teacher Ms Han came back from Korea just recently and this is one of the places that she visited. I hope you enjoy it and leave a comment so I can improve my work.

Wednesday 24 July 2019

Adding Decimals

This is a screencastify about adding decimals, I thought it would be great to do this because some people find this difficult and I would like to help. Please leave a comment and let me know how to improve my work. Thank you for watching.

Monday 17 June 2019

Respect For Others

This week we have been looking at the virtue Ŕespect This is a powtoon I made about it. Enjoy and remember if you want to be a sister in the house, leave a comment.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Cross Country

Last Friday everyone at NBC participated in the Cross Country. It was a delightful day, especially because of the boiling hot weather! Everyone was prepared in their House colours for the massive run ahead of them. The noise of the cheering was overwhelming. Overall, everyone tried the best that they could. Thank you to the teachers who helped make everything possible and to all the wonderful parents who came to encourage, support and cheer us on! Also, congratulations to the students who are heading to zones soon.

Anna (Year 8), Kata (Year 7)

Tuesday 14 May 2019

The Holy Spirit

We have been learning about the Holy Spirit in Religious Education this week. I have made a blog post about the mission of the church today. Enjoy and remember leave a comment to help me improve my work. The Symbol on Slide 2 was to reflect the Holy Spirit

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Welcome to my Blog

Haere Mai, Talofa Lava, Mālō e Lelei , Maligayang Pagdating and welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.