
Thursday 30 April 2020

My Tessellation!

W.A.L.T move a shape without changing the shape, size and direction. For math today I made a tessellation and here it is, hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))) Have you ever made a tessellation?

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Spare time doodles (pt 1)

In my spare time I have been tracing movie characters and here are some of the people I have done, Making this post was really fun it took a lot of time and effort in to it so I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment. :))))) Do you have a character I could trace?

The Battle of Gallipoli

In Reading I have been learning about The Battle of Gallipoli, Here is my DLO about it. Doing this post I learnt some really interesting things and I hope you do to, Hope you enjoy and remember to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))))  Did you learn anything from my post?

Friday 24 April 2020

The adventure on the rooftop

It all started in an old haunted school where 2 mischievous girls were hanging out but little did they know that school had already been discovered. When they tried going to the rooftop, it had been demolished somehow, Cindy and Piper thought it was strange but “oh well” Cindy said then they carried on having fun. 

On the second night, they went there and in the corner of Piper’s eye she could see an abnormal sized human figure, he was about 6’6 tall, very light skinned and had very hunched over shoulders. Piper didn’t want to freak Cindy out too much so she said “Look down and don’t talk. There is a man in here about 50 meters away near the exit and he doesn’t look nice or friendly”. The girls didn’t know what to do because what they thought the only exit was by the man so they waited in fear and just clutched on to each other.When along came a middle aged woman walked past them and she went behind a sheet that had been hung up. Then they heard a big bang it sounded like a door slamming. The girls  saw some hope that they were going to get out safely suddenly when... 
The man started to walk towards the girls, they were terrified and scared. As he got closely they found the courage to race to the door and run out as fast as they could. 

The door that they took to get out was a door to another shop called Royalty. As soon as they started wandering around the store Cindy spotted her older sister’s friend called Steph, so they walked straight up to her and explained what had just happened and how scared they were. Steph walked Piper and Cindy out the door to comfort them and gladly when they walked out the door they spotted their friends Rosie, Grace, Franky and Jasmine. So they went with them and explained what happened. When the girls started walking to the bus stop to go home the man was walking in the same direction in front of them, and as soon as the girls got close to the freaky guy in the building the man stopped walking. The girls got a little freaked out and soon as the guy turned around and steered Cindy and Piper in the eye they started running as hard as they could to a nearby school with people who were playing a game of rugby. 

When the girls got to the school they realised that it had been fenced off so they couldn't get to the people playing rugby. So they tried to go on top of something which was a rooftop and they didn't realise that until they got on to the very top of it. As soon as the girls went to turn around because they had realised that what they were on was a rooftop their teacher from school Mrs Lee had caught them and it asked “what are you girls doing up here”. The girls had gotten the fright of their lives as they thought it was the guy chasing them but then they felt relief that Mrs Lee was there. Cindy and Rosie told Mrs Lee what happened. Mrs Lee was shocked and didn’t believe them at first because it sounded crazy, but then in the corner of Jasmine’s eye she could see the man and then she said “Look there’s the man we need to go now!” Everyone got out of the building as fast and as safely as they could, then they all ran to Mrs Lee’s car and hopped in. Then they put their seatbelts on and took off, the man was surprisingly fast for his size and he caught up but as soon as the girls took off they were safe. In the end, 

all of the girls had got home safe and sound and they told the parents what happened. Everything was ok but not for everyone when Mrs Lee was driving home by herself after she dropped off the girls she saw a large human figure on her front porch. And I bet you could guess who it was and if you guessed the man that was chasing the girls before you guessed right. The man was on Mrs Lee’s front porch swinging softly on her hammick, Mrs Lee didn’t know what to do so she just drove past and acted like she did not live there. Mrs Lee then went to the police department and reported that there was a large man standing on her front porch, she also explained what happened earlier so that meant that the girls had to go to the police station. 

Once they had explained everything the police followed Mrs Lee home to see what the man was up to, when they arrived at Mrs Lee’s house the man was sitting in the drive like how little kids sit on the mat at school.
The Police then got out of the car and politely asked the man to put his hands up and  slowly turn around. The man did what the police officer had asked. While the police were driving to the police station while they were at a red light the man kicked the door open as wide as he could and started to run off. 

There was a nearby forest 200 meters away so the man ran into there and the police searched and searched but they couldn’t find him and after 24 hours he was a wanted man. The police threw huge and lots of search parties but they never had any luck. After 1 week the man was still not found. In the end all the girls were safe and Mrs Lee doesn’t have any problems but rumor has it they still haven’t found the man till this day.

The police did some research on the man and it turns out that he had no home or family so that’s why he was in the building in the first place because that was his home and he probably thought that Cindy and Piper were gonna tell the police about where he was living. The man's name was Micheal, Micheal ran away from his family with his girlfriend at the time with when he was only 18

The End 
~ By Kata


In reading I have been learning about poppies for the past week, and today for the last 2 slides about them I designed a T-shirt. I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))) Have you ever made ANZAC biscuits?

Thursday 23 April 2020

Protractor Day!

For math today I made a DLO about what a Protractor is and what it is made for. This post was a lot easier to get done than the other posts I have done because it is very simple. I hope you enjoyed my post about protractor and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))) Have you ever used a protractor?


In Reading Room 1 have been looking at Poppies for the past week and today we made a timeline. We had to put the dates in the correct order and then put in what happened in those years. I hope you enjoyed and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))) Do you know or remember the meaning behind the poppies!

Wednesday 22 April 2020


In Math's today we have been learning how to identify different angles and here is my DLO about it,
I found this blog post hard to make because It was hard to explain but I think I have got it now, Please enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help me improve my work. :))))) Did you learn anything?

Paper Planes!

In R.E today I did a experiment,  Since the Holy Spirit is like a powerful wind, we had to see how far we could fly paper planes. we made 2 paper planes and had to see what one could go further. I had lots of fun making this post especially the part where I got to fly paper planes. I hope you enjoy and remember to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))) Have you ever made a paper plane or flown one?

How to plant a seed 🌻

In writing we have been learning how to write instructions, here are my instructions on how to plant a seed, Making this slideshow took a lot of effort and time. I hope you enjoy and please remember to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))) Have you ever planted a seed and if you have what one?

Why Poppies?

In reading for the past few days Room 1 have been learning about Poppies and today we made an advertisement for them the reason for this is because we want more people to celebrate Poppies. This is my DLO. I hope you enjoy and please remember to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))) Do you celebrate Poppy Day?

Tuesday 21 April 2020


In R.E we are learning about pentecost and how and how the holy spirit came down today we identified 5 ways the holy spirit was present, I enjoyed making this post but it did take a long time to make. I hope you enjoy and please remember to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))


In Room 1 we have been learning about angles, I hope you learn something from my post and if you did what did you learn, Hope you enjoy and please leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))

How to brush your teeth the right way 😃

In room 1 W.A.L.T write instructions and today I wrote how to brush your teeth the right way,
I hope you enjoy and please make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))
what toothpaste do you use?

Monday 20 April 2020


In math we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes, Here are some 3D shapes with the amount of faces, edges, and corners they have. Please leave a comment to help improve my work, hope you enjoyyy. :)))


Since ANZAC Day is coming up my group were focusing on Poppies, here are some interesting facts about them. please leave a comment to help me improve my work and enjoyyyy. :))))

Friday 17 April 2020

Geometry Word Bank!

Today I made a DLO about geometry word banks, I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))

How to make cereal!

In Room 1 we have been looking at instructional writing and I wrote instructions on how to make your cereal, please enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))

Thursday 16 April 2020


In Room 1 in reading we have been learning about dolphins, here are some facts about them. hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work! :))))))

How to make your bed!

How to make your bed!

Lazy people who don't make their beds 'could be living healthier ...

What you need
  • A bed
  • A Duvet
  • Pillows

  1. First you need to take your pillows and your duvet off of your bed and put them on the ground.
  2. Next you grab your duvet and place it nicely on your bed and then tuck it into your bed.
  3. Now grab your pillows and place them on top of your duvet at the head end of your bed.
  4. Lastly you can add a blankie or teddies if you want to.
and thats you you make your bed. In Room 1 we have been learning how to write instructions
and here's mine. Hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))

God as pictures!

In room 1 W.A.L.T recognise way god can be seen. God can be seen in many different ways because he did so much, these are some of the ways
he can be seen. Please make sure that you leave a comment to help improve my work, Enjoyyy :))

Wednesday 15 April 2020


In Room 1 in reading we have been looking at Dolphins so here are some awesome facts about them
make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work, hope you enjoy :)))
