
Thursday 3 December 2020


Today for R.E we looked at Hope quotes, we had to choose one then make it look nice on a google drawing. It says "Learn from yesterday" meaning to learn from your mistakes  and then when it says "Live for today." It means live today and don't worry.
Then "Hope for tomorrow." Means hope for the best to come.

Monday 30 November 2020

My Flag!

 On my flag I put turtles on it, I put turtles on it because turtles are one of my favourite animals. Next I put some Hibiscus flowers on my flag because personally they look the prettiest to me. I also put a wave on my flag because I have lived next to the beach my whole life and I enjoy going for walks on the beach. 

Friday 27 November 2020

Ronald McDonald House Charity!

In Room 1 we were looking at people/things who serve and Kade and I chose to do the Ronald Mcdonald House Charity. It took a lot of researching but it was worth it, I learnta lot of thimgs making this blog post and I hope you do too! Make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work:))))

Friday 20 November 2020

Sailing at Lake Rua!

 Yesterday the Room 1 students went to Lake Rua to learn how to sail. First we went to school and took the roll like you normally would, then we lined up and hopped on the bus. the drive was about 25 minutes. When we got there we started to build the boats, after we built the boats we had morning tea. When you had finished morning tea you had to go and get changed. After we got changed we leanrt how to move one side to the other while sailing. Then we put our lifejackets on and started to sail. Overall it was such a geat day, everyone had fun and enjoyed themselves. My favourite part was capsizing, it was super fun!

That's a photo of Kade and I sailing together towards the end of the day!

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Mash Kids, Tought run!

 Today some of the year 7/8 students went to South New Brighton Park to do a tough run. We hopped on the bus around 10 past 9 and began our bus ride. Once we got there we got changed into our comstumes while we were being registrated. Then we sat in our wave which was our section, We waited and patiently and nervously for our turn to start the course. While we were waiting we were dancing to the YMCA and singing some songs! Finally it was our turn to go, it was so exciting and everyone was feeding off of eachothers energy. The highlight of my day was diving into the soapy slip and slide towards the end. My minus was probably getting changed in the tent because it was jam packed. Something that was interesting was that theymade some of the obstacles easier then it was last year. Overall I'm glad i decided to do the tough run again, It was a geat opportunity!

Monday 9 November 2020

My Pig Pot Plant!

 Over the past 3 or 4 weeks room 1 have been making pot plants out of plastic bottles. W.A.L.T show a way we can show stewardship. We should we sustainable for the Earth. we have been showing that we are sustainable by reducing,r eusing and recycling. We need to save the Earth before it's to late. First we cut the plastic bottles, then we painted them and put soil in them and put the seeds in. Next we watered them and then all we have to do now is wait until our flowers have grown. 

I hope you enjoyed my blog post and make sure to comment to help improve my work:)))

If you were to make a pot plant what design would you do?

First Aid!

 Today in Room 1 Paula came in from St John and taught us what to do when someone is not concious.

First you need to check for any danger for 5 seconds, once you have done that you tap their collorbone with the back of your hand and if they don't respond you send for help. So you call 111, Next you check their airway and lift their head up so their tongue doesnt block it. After you've done that you check their breathing so you out your ear by their mouth and face their stomach while your hand is resting on thier stomach you do this for 10 seconds, Look, Feel and Listen. if they are breathing you roll them to their side because if they vomit and they're on their back they will choke on it. If they aren't breathing you need to start C.P.R straight away. The faster you start the more chance they have of survivial, so first you put anyone of your hands right in the middle of their chest then you put the other one on top and link your hand together then you starts compressions. You do 30 compressions then 2 breaths and then you keep on doing that. If you have a Defib make sure to use it, it is very important, the defib will guve you instructions on how to use it. You do not stop doing compressions unless if you can physically not do it anymore, you get told by a medical professional to stop and if the person starts to breath again.

I hope you learnt something from my blog post and make sure to comment to help improve my work:)))

Friday 23 October 2020

The Mysteries!

Over the past week Jennah, Kade and I have been looking at the mysteries of the Rosary. We made a DLO about and here it is. I hope you enjoy and make sure to comment to help improve my work:))))))

Wednesday 21 October 2020

1 Point Perspective Art!

For this years calender art Room 1 did one point perspective art. Here is mine I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work:)))))


Parts of Speech!

Today in Writing Room 1 looked at Parts of speech. Then we completed this puzzle by writing the definition and examples for parts of speech. I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help imrove my work:)))))


The Rosary

Since it it the month of the Rosary Room 1 have been been doing the Rosary everyday, and yesterday Kade, Jennah and I made a DLO explaining the Rosary. I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work:)))))))))

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Culture studies.

Today in Room 1 we did culture studies and Jennah, Kade and I were working together. W.A.L.T understand the ways of different cultures. We got assigned countries and then we compared them. Here is our DLO hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a commen to elp imrpve my work:))) Would you like to go to any of these countries?

Friday 25 September 2020

My Paper Mache Volcano!!!

Today room 1 erupted our volcanoes we made. 

W.A.L.T see the reaction between baking soda and vinegar. We have been making our paper mache volcanoes for the past 2 weeks the process was quite fun and it would be cool to do something like that again. The vinegar was the acid and the baking soda was the base and together they created a gas, and that gas was carbon dioxide. Unfortunatley my one didnt come out because i needed to add more baking soda but atleast i know that for next time. I really liked the look of mine. have you made something that was paper mache? Make sure to comment to help improve my work:)))))


Thursday 24 September 2020


Today Jennah and I made this slide show about the seven Sacraments and here it is. W.A.L.T understand the meaning of sacrament in our lives. I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work:)))))

Tuesday 22 September 2020

How volcanoes work!

Yesterday Kade and I made this DLO on how volcanoes work and here it is! We put a link to the Lava song it´s a cool song that you should listen to! I hope you enjoy and make sure to comment to help improve my work:))))

Friday 18 September 2020

Greetings in Maori

Today in Maori studies my class focused on greetings and here is my DLO about it. I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work:))))

Thursday 17 September 2020



This is a blog post about what the senior school did today in the morning break. W.A.L.T try a new tool, it was very fun making my avatar on pixton comics. A postitve about learning a new tool is it was quite fun and you get to explore different things and minus is that the wifi wasnt the best so the google meet where we learnt how to use new tools was lagging and what was intesting abouit it is that you can do anything with it! I hope you like my avatar and make sure to comment ot help improve my work:))))

Maori emotions!

Today in Maori studies we focused on emotions and how to answer someone asks you how you are! Here is my DLO I hope you enjoy and make sure to comment to help improve my work:)))))

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Colours in Maori!

Today for Maori lanuage week we focused on colours and learnt them. Here is my DLO about all the colours in the Maori! I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work! 

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Days In Māori!

Since it is Te Reo Maori week we learnt how to say the days of the week in Maori. After we learnt how to say it we made a DLO on how to ask what the day is and how to reply and we also put the days of the week. Please make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work:))))) Do you knwo how to say anything in Te Reo Maori?

Friday 11 September 2020

Dress up day!

 Today at NBC we had a dress up day and my group dressed up as mean girls! The one on the left is Gretchen and then it goes me and I'm Katy next it goes Karen smith and next it's the best of them all Regina George! We came up with this idea a long time ago and have been so excited. We are so happy with our outfits and wouldn't change a thing. I hope you liked our outfits and our burn book!

Thursday 10 September 2020

Synthesising "The Hushed!"

Today Liv and I sythesised a book called "The Hushed" W.A.L.T identify the deeper meaning within the text. I hope you enjoy and make sure to comment to help imporve my work:)))))


Summarising "The Hushed!"

Today in reading I read a book called "The Hushed" and then Liv and I summarised it, First we had to chose 20 important words from the text and then we chose 6 of those 20 words to be in a summary. W.A.L.T identify the deeper meaning within the text. I hope you enjoy and make sure to comment to help imporve my work:)))))


Tuesday 8 September 2020

Synthesising The Promise!

In Reading we read a story called "The Promise" and afterwards we had to synthesis the story. W.A.L.T identify the deeper meaning. I did this with Max and Jennah. I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work! 


Thursday 3 September 2020


In R.E W.A.L.T to understand sacraments in our lifes. Today we had to identify the symbol for each sacrament and the bible reference and here it is. I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work:))) How many sacraments have you recieved?

Wednesday 2 September 2020

How to simplify fractions.

In Maths today I was simplifying fractions and when I finished I made this DLO on how to simplify fractions. I hope you enjoy and learn something and make sure to comment to help improve my work:)))))

How to Respect...

In R.e we are focusing on showing the virtue Respect. We had to make a blog post on how to show respect towards the environment, animals, others and ourselves. I made a google drawing and split it into quaters then I wrote some ways on how to show respect. The I got some images and put them on my google drawing. I am going to show respect by picking up rubbish, standing up for myself, taking my dog for a walk and by including people in games. How are you going to show respect?

Monday 31 August 2020

How to make improper fractions a fraction

Today in math Kade and I made a blog post on how to make improper fractions, fractions. In Math W.A.L.T identify mixed and improper fractions. I hope you learnt something and make sure to comment to help improve my work:)))))

Thursday 27 August 2020

Our game!

In inquiry in Room 3 we made our own marble game and here is mine. I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a positive comment to help improve my work:)))))) 

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Our podcast


So today Tallulah and I made a podcast but unfortunately we could not post it so we will just tell you the process of making it. So first we got our chromebooks and went otto the cloackbay and filmed our podcast it took quite a few takes but we eventually got there. We were learning to use a new tool in cybersmart.
since we couldn't post our podcast here is a photo of the process. Have a great day!!

Tuesday 11 August 2020

5 important facts about Armadillos.

in reading W.A.L.T to identify important facts. In reading we had to identify 5 important facts about armadillos and we had to make a DLO. I hope you enjoy and make sure you leave a comment to help improve work :))))))) 

Thursday 2 July 2020

My Haiku!

I like elephants,
their my favourite animal,
they make me happy!

In writing we are leaning about poems and todays one that I did was a Haiku. Haikus are a Japanese form of poetry, it has 3 lines the first line has 5 syllables then 7 syllables then the last line has 5 syllables again. If you do not know what a syllable is it is the sound in a word. For example: elephant has 3 syllables (el- e- phants.) I hope you enjoyed my blog post about Haikus and make sure to comment one of your Haikus. :))))))

Monday 29 June 2020

My dog

Today in room 1 we are learning to trace images using to correct tools, Today I traced a image of a dog off google and here it is. I hope you like and make sure to comment if you want me to trace your animal. :)))))

Friday 26 June 2020

A Prom Disaster

It all started with girls running with their makeup, prom dresses and their shoes to Tiffany's house. Tiffany is the leader of the pack, kind of like Regina George to your mean girls. But except she is the Tiffany to your Triple T. Tyler and Tayla are the other two, they basically just follow Tiffany around and make sure no one gets on her way.

The girls all got ready, they all helped each other out by curling each other's hair or by doing each other's makeup. They were so excited because they heard that senior prom was supposed to be one of the best nights of their lives! Around 4:30pm the girls had finished getting ready which was perfect because they were getting picked up at 4:45pm by their dates Jayden, Thomas and Olly. When the boys had got to Tiffany´s house in the limozeen they took photos and put the corsages and boutonnieres on and then they left Tiffany's house.

 The ride to the Chick fil-A which is a takeout place was about 15 minutes which means they had half an hour to eat dinner because it takes 15 minutes to get to their school and prom starts at 6:00pm. After their delicious meal the couples headed off to prom and as soon as Tiffany was about to hop out of the limozeen her dress got caught, it was a nightmare becoming reality. She was panicking so much and everyone was getting frustrated because she was yelling at everyone saying 
¨Do something!¨ Tiffany's date was getting so annoyed at her so he just said ¨I´ll fix it¨ but then Tiffany had a massive sulk because he was about to rip her dress. 

Tyler always carries nail products around with her like for example nail clippers and nail filer. While Tiffany was still yelling at her friends Tyler grabbed her Nail clippers and said ¨Here let me handle it ¨ But then of course when Tiffany figured out what she was about to do she went ballistic. She started to scream at Tyler and say ¨Are you out of your mind, nail clippers! Are you kidding me!¨ 
Tyler´s super sensitive and of course by Tiffany yelling at her she started to cry,  She was boiling her eyes out. She was crying more than a kid crying because they broke their arm, it was that bad. Tayla started to calm her down while the others were coming up with a solution. 

Then it clicked about ten minutes later  Tayla had come up with an idea. She grabbed a bobby pin out of Tiffany's hair and jabbed it into the car door where the dress was. Then she managed to wiggle the bobby pin and while that was happening Tiffany was pulling her dress out gently and then it finally popped out. Tiffany praised her like a God, she was so grateful. Then they limousine left and they headed on into prom. The happy couples danced the night away and then afterwards the couples left to go home and have a movie night while eating lots of junk food. 

The end!

W.A.L.T: write an engaging narrative.
This narrative is still a work in progress, I still need to add many things and make lots of changes. My cover was made by Jennah. B (my friend) with the assistance of me. I hope you liked my story and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))

Thursday 25 June 2020

Reading - Task 6.

Today i´m sharing my summary of chapter 11. I hope you enjoyed my summary and make sure to leave a comment o help improve my work. :)))))

Reading - Task 3

yesterday in reading I completed my reading tasks and today I am sharing with you some of the work I did for the tasks. Today I am sharing with you some facts about Nadia Vole. I hope you enjoyed and makes sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))))

Wednesday 24 June 2020

God´s Creation!

Today in R.E the W.A.L.T was recognise that people can experience God´s creation through their senses. So today I had to create a google drawing of something I appreciate in nature and I chose to do Elephants. I appreciate the world God has created because it´s so beautiful and there are so many things to explore. I hope you enjoyed it and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))
What your favourite part about God´s world?   

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Snippet of my narrative!

Then it clicked about ten minutes later  Tayla had come up with an idea. She grabbed a
bobby pin out of Tiffany's hair and jabbed it into the car door where the dress was. Then
she managed to wiggle the bobby pin and while that was happening Tiffany was pulling
her dress out gently and then it finally popped out. Tiffany praised her like a God, she
was so grateful. Then they limousine left and they headed on into prom. The happy couples
danced the night away and...

Here is another snippet of my narrative that I have been working on. I hope you like it and
make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))

Friday 19 June 2020


So first I had 4x27 then I made a 27 a tidy number by adding 3 so it was 30. After that I did 4x30 which equals 120, then I did 4x3 which equals 12. now I had to do 120 - 12 and that equals 108. The reason why I had to minus the 12 is because I added at the start when I converted the 27 to 30.

Thanks for reading if you made it all the way down here, make sure to comment if this helped you!

Tuesday 16 June 2020

A snippet from my narrative!

The girls all got ready, they all helped each other out by curling each other's hair or by doing each other's makeup. They were so excited because they heard that senior prom was supposed to be one of the best nights of their lives! Around 4:30pm the girls had finished getting ready which was perfect because they were getting picked up at 4:45pm by their dates Jayden, Thomas and Olly.

Here is another snippet from my writing, do you like it and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))

Wednesday 10 June 2020

My narrative!

It all started with girls running with their makeup, prom dresses and their shoes to Tiffany's house. Tiffany is the leader of the pack, kind of like Regina George to your mean girls. But except she is the Tiffany to your Triple T. Tyler and Tayla are the other two, they basically just follow Tiffany around and make sure no one gets on her way.

In writing in Room 1 we are learning how to write narrative´s and here is a few sentences of mine. It is still a work in progress, I hope you enjoy this little snipet of writing and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Being reliable!

Today in R.E I was learning about how to be reliable and I made a blog post about it. I enjoyed making this blog post because searching for the photos was fun. I found it hard coming up with ways I could be more reliable because I think i´m pretty reliable. Next time I think I might try come up wth my own pictures instead of searching from the web., I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))))) How can you be reliable?

Friday 5 June 2020

Using integers!

Virtues I´m good at!

In room 1 we are learning to understand how to grow n virtues of God. Here is my DLO about virtues im good at,This is a work in progress make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))

Monday 25 May 2020


Today in R.E I made a DLO about Mary and here it is, I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))))

Thursday 21 May 2020

Venn diagram about the shoemaker´s!

Today in reading I was learning how to anaylse and compare the little and tall shoemaker using a venn diagram and here it is, I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))))))))) Based on the information on this diagram what do you think about the shoemaker´s?

Wednesday 20 May 2020


Today in reading I had to make a DLO about definitions and here it is, I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))))))

Battle Royale!

Today In reading I made DLO about Battle Royale and here it is,  I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))))))))

Shoemaker drawing!

Today in reading I drew a scene from a video that my class watched, if your wondering what is happening it´s a man trying to sell shoes outside on a stool. I hope you liked my drawing and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))))

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Math Antics!

In maths today I did interges and here is an example, I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))))

Monday 18 May 2020

Frozen 2 predction!

In this book I thnk that Elsa will run away into the unknown, The forest of shadows and then Anna has to save her with the help of Olaf, Sphen and Christof. But Anna will keep on getting fustrated with Olaf, Sphen and Christof and says just go back to Arendelle so then Olaf, Sphen and Christof and then Anna wonders off and gets lost and then days go by and Olaf,  Sphen and Christof get worried and then end up trying to find her but Elsa finds her first and gets worried because Anna is lying down freezing cold and then Olaf, Sphen and Christof having to save her and Elsa.

Friday 15 May 2020


In math today I made 2 coordinate graphs for a friend of mine to fill out and here it is, I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))))) Where is the heart and diamond?

Thursday 14 May 2020


in reading today I organised some information about Pokémon and here it is,  hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))))))))


Today in writing I carried on with figurative lanuage and today I focused on alliterantions, here is my DLO about alliterations hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))))) Can you give me an example of an alliteration?

Oil and Water experiment!

Wednesday 13 May 2020


Today I made a certificate for the creator of Pokémon go and here it is, hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))))))


Today in writing I continued with my figurative lanuage and today I did rhymes, I made a DLO about it and here it is, I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))))
Can you give me a example of a rhyming sentence?

Tuesday 12 May 2020


In writing today I learnt about Imagerys and made a DLO about it , I hope you enjoy and mkae sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))))) Can you give me an example of imagerys?

Finding Coordinates!

In Maths yesterday I did a activity of finding coordinates and today I made a google drawing on how to find Coordinates and here it is,  I hope you enhoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))))) Did this help you?

Pokémon Go!

In reading today I filled out a slide about Pokémon go because that´s what I have been learning about and here it is, I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))))) Do you play Pokémon Go?

Monday 11 May 2020

8 facts about Pokémon

In reading today I was reading about Pokémon go and I came up with 8 facts about it, hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))) How many Pokémon go charaters can you name?


In writing I have been learning about fugurative lanuage and today I focused and learnt about onomatopoeia´s and made a DLO about it, I hope you enjoyand make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))) Can you give me a sentence with a onomatopoeia in it?

Friday 8 May 2020

My Anime Character!

In reading I have been learning about anime and today I made my own anime character, I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))) If you made a anime character what would it´s name be?

Maths Revision!

In maths today I did a review of what I have been learning over the past couple of weeks and made a DLO about it, I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work.

Thursday 7 May 2020


In writing today I learnt about hyperboles and here is my DLO about it, making up the hyperboles was fun. I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))) Can you give me an example of a hyperbole?


In Maths I have been learning about symmetry and today I made another symmetry art piece but except I had to make both sides by myself instead of using a app. I hope you liked my picture and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))) Have you studied Symmetry?


In reading today I was learning about anime and today I made a DLO about my final thoughts on it, I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))) Do you watch anime?

Wednesday 6 May 2020


Today in math I was learning about symmetry and I made a symmetrical art piece and i'd like to share it with you, If a shape is symmetrical it can be folded into itself. this blog post was fun to make because I got to draw and be creative. I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))) Would you make a symmetrical art piece?

Anime Timeline!

In reading I decided to study anime and here is a short timeline about it. I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))))) Have you ever watched anime?


In writing have been learning about figurative language and today I focused on personifications and here;s my DLO about it. I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))) Did you learn anything today and if you did can you write a personification in the comments?

Tuesday 5 May 2020

My Arcade Game!

In room one for Technology we have been doing challenges and today Arkaysha and I made a Basketball hoop game and we called it "Pinball Shooter". I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment if you would play our game. :)))))


                                        In Reading this week I have been learning about Astroboy and today I made a DLO about him. This DLO was hard to make because making Astroboy was hard to make, Hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))))) Do you watch anime?

Friday 1 May 2020

My Tessellation

W.A.L.T move a shape without changing the shape, size and direction, For math today I made another tessellation and here it is. This took a while to make but I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))) Do you like making tessellations because I do

How to look after a dog!

In writing I have been learning how to write instructions and over this past week I have been planning and making a blog post about how to look after a dog and this morning I finally finished it. I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))))) Do you have a pet if so what type of pet do you have?

Thursday 30 April 2020

My Tessellation!

W.A.L.T move a shape without changing the shape, size and direction. For math today I made a tessellation and here it is, hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))) Have you ever made a tessellation?

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Spare time doodles (pt 1)

In my spare time I have been tracing movie characters and here are some of the people I have done, Making this post was really fun it took a lot of time and effort in to it so I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment. :))))) Do you have a character I could trace?

The Battle of Gallipoli

In Reading I have been learning about The Battle of Gallipoli, Here is my DLO about it. Doing this post I learnt some really interesting things and I hope you do to, Hope you enjoy and remember to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))))  Did you learn anything from my post?

Friday 24 April 2020

The adventure on the rooftop

It all started in an old haunted school where 2 mischievous girls were hanging out but little did they know that school had already been discovered. When they tried going to the rooftop, it had been demolished somehow, Cindy and Piper thought it was strange but “oh well” Cindy said then they carried on having fun. 

On the second night, they went there and in the corner of Piper’s eye she could see an abnormal sized human figure, he was about 6’6 tall, very light skinned and had very hunched over shoulders. Piper didn’t want to freak Cindy out too much so she said “Look down and don’t talk. There is a man in here about 50 meters away near the exit and he doesn’t look nice or friendly”. The girls didn’t know what to do because what they thought the only exit was by the man so they waited in fear and just clutched on to each other.When along came a middle aged woman walked past them and she went behind a sheet that had been hung up. Then they heard a big bang it sounded like a door slamming. The girls  saw some hope that they were going to get out safely suddenly when... 
The man started to walk towards the girls, they were terrified and scared. As he got closely they found the courage to race to the door and run out as fast as they could. 

The door that they took to get out was a door to another shop called Royalty. As soon as they started wandering around the store Cindy spotted her older sister’s friend called Steph, so they walked straight up to her and explained what had just happened and how scared they were. Steph walked Piper and Cindy out the door to comfort them and gladly when they walked out the door they spotted their friends Rosie, Grace, Franky and Jasmine. So they went with them and explained what happened. When the girls started walking to the bus stop to go home the man was walking in the same direction in front of them, and as soon as the girls got close to the freaky guy in the building the man stopped walking. The girls got a little freaked out and soon as the guy turned around and steered Cindy and Piper in the eye they started running as hard as they could to a nearby school with people who were playing a game of rugby. 

When the girls got to the school they realised that it had been fenced off so they couldn't get to the people playing rugby. So they tried to go on top of something which was a rooftop and they didn't realise that until they got on to the very top of it. As soon as the girls went to turn around because they had realised that what they were on was a rooftop their teacher from school Mrs Lee had caught them and it asked “what are you girls doing up here”. The girls had gotten the fright of their lives as they thought it was the guy chasing them but then they felt relief that Mrs Lee was there. Cindy and Rosie told Mrs Lee what happened. Mrs Lee was shocked and didn’t believe them at first because it sounded crazy, but then in the corner of Jasmine’s eye she could see the man and then she said “Look there’s the man we need to go now!” Everyone got out of the building as fast and as safely as they could, then they all ran to Mrs Lee’s car and hopped in. Then they put their seatbelts on and took off, the man was surprisingly fast for his size and he caught up but as soon as the girls took off they were safe. In the end, 

all of the girls had got home safe and sound and they told the parents what happened. Everything was ok but not for everyone when Mrs Lee was driving home by herself after she dropped off the girls she saw a large human figure on her front porch. And I bet you could guess who it was and if you guessed the man that was chasing the girls before you guessed right. The man was on Mrs Lee’s front porch swinging softly on her hammick, Mrs Lee didn’t know what to do so she just drove past and acted like she did not live there. Mrs Lee then went to the police department and reported that there was a large man standing on her front porch, she also explained what happened earlier so that meant that the girls had to go to the police station. 

Once they had explained everything the police followed Mrs Lee home to see what the man was up to, when they arrived at Mrs Lee’s house the man was sitting in the drive like how little kids sit on the mat at school.
The Police then got out of the car and politely asked the man to put his hands up and  slowly turn around. The man did what the police officer had asked. While the police were driving to the police station while they were at a red light the man kicked the door open as wide as he could and started to run off. 

There was a nearby forest 200 meters away so the man ran into there and the police searched and searched but they couldn’t find him and after 24 hours he was a wanted man. The police threw huge and lots of search parties but they never had any luck. After 1 week the man was still not found. In the end all the girls were safe and Mrs Lee doesn’t have any problems but rumor has it they still haven’t found the man till this day.

The police did some research on the man and it turns out that he had no home or family so that’s why he was in the building in the first place because that was his home and he probably thought that Cindy and Piper were gonna tell the police about where he was living. The man's name was Micheal, Micheal ran away from his family with his girlfriend at the time with when he was only 18

The End 
~ By Kata


In reading I have been learning about poppies for the past week, and today for the last 2 slides about them I designed a T-shirt. I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))) Have you ever made ANZAC biscuits?

Thursday 23 April 2020

Protractor Day!

For math today I made a DLO about what a Protractor is and what it is made for. This post was a lot easier to get done than the other posts I have done because it is very simple. I hope you enjoyed my post about protractor and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))) Have you ever used a protractor?


In Reading Room 1 have been looking at Poppies for the past week and today we made a timeline. We had to put the dates in the correct order and then put in what happened in those years. I hope you enjoyed and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))) Do you know or remember the meaning behind the poppies!

Wednesday 22 April 2020


In Math's today we have been learning how to identify different angles and here is my DLO about it,
I found this blog post hard to make because It was hard to explain but I think I have got it now, Please enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help me improve my work. :))))) Did you learn anything?

Paper Planes!

In R.E today I did a experiment,  Since the Holy Spirit is like a powerful wind, we had to see how far we could fly paper planes. we made 2 paper planes and had to see what one could go further. I had lots of fun making this post especially the part where I got to fly paper planes. I hope you enjoy and remember to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))) Have you ever made a paper plane or flown one?

How to plant a seed 🌻

In writing we have been learning how to write instructions, here are my instructions on how to plant a seed, Making this slideshow took a lot of effort and time. I hope you enjoy and please remember to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))) Have you ever planted a seed and if you have what one?

Why Poppies?

In reading for the past few days Room 1 have been learning about Poppies and today we made an advertisement for them the reason for this is because we want more people to celebrate Poppies. This is my DLO. I hope you enjoy and please remember to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))) Do you celebrate Poppy Day?

Tuesday 21 April 2020


In R.E we are learning about pentecost and how and how the holy spirit came down today we identified 5 ways the holy spirit was present, I enjoyed making this post but it did take a long time to make. I hope you enjoy and please remember to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))


In Room 1 we have been learning about angles, I hope you learn something from my post and if you did what did you learn, Hope you enjoy and please leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))

How to brush your teeth the right way 😃

In room 1 W.A.L.T write instructions and today I wrote how to brush your teeth the right way,
I hope you enjoy and please make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))))
what toothpaste do you use?

Monday 20 April 2020


In math we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes, Here are some 3D shapes with the amount of faces, edges, and corners they have. Please leave a comment to help improve my work, hope you enjoyyy. :)))


Since ANZAC Day is coming up my group were focusing on Poppies, here are some interesting facts about them. please leave a comment to help me improve my work and enjoyyyy. :))))

Friday 17 April 2020

Geometry Word Bank!

Today I made a DLO about geometry word banks, I hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :))))

How to make cereal!

In Room 1 we have been looking at instructional writing and I wrote instructions on how to make your cereal, please enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))

Thursday 16 April 2020


In Room 1 in reading we have been learning about dolphins, here are some facts about them. hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work! :))))))

How to make your bed!

How to make your bed!

Lazy people who don't make their beds 'could be living healthier ...

What you need
  • A bed
  • A Duvet
  • Pillows

  1. First you need to take your pillows and your duvet off of your bed and put them on the ground.
  2. Next you grab your duvet and place it nicely on your bed and then tuck it into your bed.
  3. Now grab your pillows and place them on top of your duvet at the head end of your bed.
  4. Lastly you can add a blankie or teddies if you want to.
and thats you you make your bed. In Room 1 we have been learning how to write instructions
and here's mine. Hope you enjoy and make sure to leave a comment to help improve my work. :)))